DTDC India

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All reviews of DTDC India. See what customers are saying about DTDC India.

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Reviews of DTDC India

  • 717
  • 275
  • 229
  • 148
  • 1173

Reviews, comments

Naveen - 5/16/2023 17:34:33


Zarar Ahmed - 5/16/2023 17:08:20

No call back curtosy

Hdhjddjdj - 5/16/2023 15:37:48


Vishnu K - 5/16/2023 14:42:11

Not bad

Better to Change these lazy staff - 5/16/2023 13:47:36

Very Very Lazy Staff

Very Lazy in delivering things - 5/16/2023 13:45:57

Better to Change your Lazy Staff

Alok - 5/16/2023 12:50:34

Very late

Aakash kale - 5/16/2023 12:20:13


Rajinder singh - 5/15/2023 18:54:35

Track product

Nikhil - 5/15/2023 18:15:11


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